Conference Paper: Rules 2013, At Krakow
National governments and large organizations have published laws on the web orintranets inorder to provide information for their citizens, businesses and their employees. Althoughthese web sites are great legal sources and these approaches can provide information how tointerpret a legal text, precise understanding cannot be achieved with their apparatus.We have developed the Emerald framework and methodology that provides new approachesfor legal modelling than common rule-based systems by utilizing recently emerged SemanticWeb technologies, algorithms focused on domain-specific problems and state-of-the-artpresentation of complex models enhancing transparency. The framework provides tools tohandle formal models and source documents jointly by linking different representations of thesame information.To obtain a proof-of-concept we modelled the Hungarian Act I. of 2012 on Labour Code.
Legal modelling, Metalex, ontology, RDF, SWRL
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